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Saturday 8 January 2022




अग्लो हुनुमा गर्व गर्छ होला

शान्त रहनमा समुद्रजस्तै ठान्छ होला

स्थिरतामा अडिग पहाडजस्तै मान्छ होला


कैयौँ जीवनहरु माटो बनिसके

कैयौँ सम्झनाहरु मनुवाबाटै हटिसके

कैयौँ पटक ऋतुहरु फेरिसके

कैयौँ खोजअनुसन्धानहरु इतिहास बनिसके

मुर्छित समयको आगमनले कैयौँ विध्वंसकहरु भए

अझै जारीछ,जारिरहनेछ त्यो समयसम्म

तर १८१८ सालदेखि

त्यसरी नै चुपचाप उभिरहेको छ

यो धरहरा

हुन त इतिहास रचेको छ

नेपाल र नेपाली अखण्डताको

नेपाल र नेपाली सदभावको

नेपाल र नेपाली सभ्यताको

उदाउने निष्ठाका चन्द्रसूर्यजस्तै

नढल्ने आस्थाका शिखरहरुजस्तै

तथापि मान्यता हो


फड्को मारेका हामी

हाम्रो मार्गमा

असली मार्ग निर्देशक बनेर– डो¥याउनु

हाम्रो निमार्णमा

असली निर्माता बनेर– जुटाउनु

हाम्रो राजनीतिमा

असली राजनीतिज्ञा भएर– देश हाँक्नु

हाम्रो लेखाईमा

असली लेखक बनेर– लेख्न सिकाउनु

हाम्रो शिक्षामा

असली शिक्षाविज्ञ भएर– शिक्षा प्रदान गर्नु

यो सहकार्यले फेरि पनि

अर्काे एउटा कीर्तिमान तोडिनेछ तिम्रो

अर्काे एउटा कीर्तिमान बनिनेछ तिम्रो ।

English Translate:


Probably proud to be tall
Staying calm may seem like an ocean
It may seem like a steadfast mountain in stability

Many lives have become dust
Many memories are gone from the mind
The seasons have changed many times
Many researches have become history
The arrival of the faint time caused many destroyers
It will continue till that time
But since 1818
That is how it is standing silently
This tower

Of course, history has been made
Nepal and Nepali integrity
Nepal and Nepali harmony
Of Nepal and Nepali civilization
Like the rising sun of integrity
Like the peaks of unshakable faith

However, there is recognition
In postmodernism
We jumped
On our way
Becoming a real guide - to lead
In our construction
To become a real creator - to mobilize
In our politics
Being a real politician - driving the country
In our writing
Becoming a real writer - teaching to write
In our education
Being a real educator - providing education
This collaboration again
Another record will be broken by you
Another record will be yours. 

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